What happens to my Library on the Cineplex Store?
Your library remains intact with all applicable purchases and rentals
Can I still earn or redeem Scene+ points on the Cineplex Store?
Yes, Cineplex Store’s involvement in the Scene+ programme has not been changed as a result of the sale and you can still earn and redeem points. Please see https://www.sceneplus.ca/how-it-works#Movies for more information
Who do I contact if I have technical difficulties?
Cineplex Guest Services are on hand to answer any immediate questions or concerns regarding use of the Cineplex Store. Please see https://cineplex.service-now.com/gsc for more information, including a contact number or chat function
I rented/purchased a title from the Cineplex Store, but it’s not working. Who do I contact?
Cineplex Guest Services are on hand to answer any immediate questions or concerns regarding use of the Cineplex Store. Please see https://cineplex.service-now.com/gsc for more information, including a contact number or chat function
I made a purchase from the Cineplex Store, but want a refund. Who do I contact?
Cineplex Guest Services are on hand to process any purchases that qualify for a refund. Please see https://cineplex.service-now.com/gsc for more information, including a contact number or chat function
Will my PIN code/Gift Card still work?
Your PIN code validity has not been affected as a result of the sale and the original expiry date included in your PIN code email is still valid. Gift cards will function as normal
If Cineplex no longer owns the Cineplex Store, why does it still have your name and logo?
Cineplex is carefully transitioning the Cineplex Store to its new owners over the coming months to ensure the quality of your experience remains intact. Watch out for more information during 2025 regarding the current name, logo and app availability.
What should I do if I don’t want my data processed by a new company?
Please reach out to privacy@cineplex.com and privacy@cosmoblue.com with your full name and email address to co-ordinate data deletion. Please note that by requesting your data is deleted, you will no longer maintain access to your library.
I have never purchased from the Cineplex Store, but I have a Cineplex Connect account. Will my information be shared with CosmoBlue?
Cineplex only shared a limited set of information with CosmoBlue specific to customers who have transacted on the Cineplex Store, or explicitly signed up for Cineplex Store email newsletters.
What information is Cineplex sharing with CosmoBlue?
Cineplex disclosed a limited amount of information to CosmoBlue to ensure your library remains accessible. This included: your name, email, province, language preferences, and your rentals and purchases.
If I create a new Cineplex Connect account, will my information be shared with CosmoBlue?
Your information will not be shared with CosmoBlue unless you specifically make a purchase on the Cineplex Store.
I want to keep renting and buying from the Cineplex Store. Can I opt-out of Cineplex sharing my information with CosmoBlue?
CosmoBlue are the new owners of the Cineplex Store, and by renting and buying titles from the Cineplex Store you are agreeing to CosmoBlue’s Terms of Use and CosmoBlue processing your information. More information can be found https://store.cineplex.com/terms-of-use and https://store.cineplex.com/privacy-policy
I am receiving emails about the Cineplex Store. How do I unsubscribe from them?
Please use the Unsubscribe link in the footer of the Cineplex Store emails to remove yourself from future Cineplex Store emails
I received an email that says my information is being shared with CosmoBlue, but I’ve never made a purchase through the Cineplex Store.
Your information would have been shared with CosmoBlue if you had engaged with Cineplex Store emails; bought or rented a title on Cineplex Store; used a PIN code or gift card to watch a title on the Cineplex Store. If none of these circumstances apply to you and you believe you have been sent this email in error, please reach out to privacy@cineplex.com and we will investigate for you
My information has been shared with CosmoBlue. I have questions about their use of my personal information.
Please reach out to privacy@cosmoblue.com with any questions regarding their use of your information
I closed my Connect Account and deleted my information. Does that mean my information is also deleted from CosmoBlue?
Deleting your Connect Account does not mean your data is automatically deleted by CosmoBlue. If you have been informed your data has been shared with CosmoBlue and want to ensure it is deleted, please reach out to privacy@cosmoblue.com.
How do I close my Connect Account?
You can close your Connect Account online by logging-in to your account. From there, go to “Manage Account”, then click on Personal Information under “Profile Settings”. If you no longer have access to your Connect Account, please contact Cineplex Guest Services.
Is my credit card information being shared with CosmoBlue?
Credit card information is not, and will not be shared with CosmoBlue. Cineplex only shared name, email, province, language preference and a list of titles you purchased or rented.