Having trouble adding your address?
While adding a new address, if you don’t see your street address appear in the dropdown after typing your postal code, please keep typing the rest of your address, starting with your street number and street name, and it should appear. For example, try typing it in the format “H0H0H0 25 Santa St”. If you have a unit number, you can include it in Address Line 2.
If you still don’t see your address, please contact us for support.
No Play Button on Your Samsung TV?
An issue with the 2012 Samsung TVs where the play button was missing within the Cineplex Store application has been resolved. If your Samsung TV model contains an E as the 5th character of the model number, ie: UN50ES6100, then an update to the store application will be required. The TV will prompt you to update when you run the Store app; simply hit the Ok button to update it and confirm you are using build v1.1.0.40.
If you have another model year Samsung TV and also have no Play Button, please reset your Smart Hub by referring to your TV manual or visiting the following link. Once the reset is complete, please ensure you are running the latest version of the Cineplex Store app (v1.1.0.39 or above). If your app is not updating, then please contact Samsung for support as this is controlled by the TV operating system which we are unable to assist with.
Thank you for being a loyal Cineplex Store customer.
Hang tight, we are working to resolve all the issues and appreciate your support and patience as we continue to create a better Cineplex Store experience.